I like to craft, create, knit, embroider, and mess around with Photoshop, HTML and CSS. I blog about a little bit of everything - sometimes you'll hear from me a lot, and sometimes I'll drop off the radar for awhile. All is well, either way. I collect and share vintage transfers on Vintage Transfer Finds. I also edit Feeling Stitchy, where I blog with a bunch of talented craft writers.
I've found my life to be most meaningful when I am making something new or learning something new. I love to teach people around me how to craft, and nothing makes me happier than a small crafting party with crafty friends.
I love live music, old movies, good typography, cat pictures, lemon cookies, Earl Grey tea, and people with kind eyes. Thanks for the visit, and I hope you find something nice here - whether it's a thought, or an image, or a vague but somewhat lovely idea...
If you'd like to get in contact with me, my email is unafloresita AT gmail DOT com.