1. Untitled by me 2. white-clutch by doe-c-doe 3. strange by me 4. blue-flower-purse by doe-c-doe
What I love most about the internet is the ability to share your thoughts and dreams in the form of images - with people across the country and around the world. Doe-c-doe has always inspired me, and I've been lucky enough to trade emails with her - she's such a sweet, generous, and incredibly talented person.
So, on to the idea of conversations - it's a new idea I have, to give me something to blog about. Each week I'm going to go through my contacts, all the people I've met over my years of blogging, and share a little glimpse of them to you. If I can, I'll pair my favorite images of theirs with some of mine, to have a sort of "conversation" through images. I think those pictures above clearly seem to be speaking to each other. :)
Also, in preparation for Blogtoberfest, I've decided to do my best to blog every single day through Oct. 31. I'm still grieving, but I thought it would be a good way to help me feel more productive and work through my memories. When I have something to say about my dad or my friend I will, but I promise to keep it hopeful! I want to celebrate life and its beauty and all the wonderful people I've met. Thanks, all of you, for bringing beauty to my life.